Waste sorting is the first step in recycling. Everybody can sort waste.
Waste sorting requires minimum effort that anybody can make to make sure that the maximum amount of discarded items and materials enter the recycling process. Sorting is simple, all you need is good will.
- Yellow bins – metal, plastic and multilayer packaging
- Blue bins – paper and cardboard
- Orange bins – glass packaging
- Green bins – remaining mixed municipal waste
- Special bins for textiles

Waste disposal bins are located in the entire area where UC Čistoća manages waste and are available to all users.
Mobile recycling yards
Mobile recycling yards are mobile units for separate collection and storage of small quantities of reusable and difficult types of household waste. In the area of the City of Rijeka, there are two mobile recycling yards available: a mobile recycling yard with an operator and a self-service mobile recycling yard. They are placed at pre-determined locations in the city according to an annual schedule. Also, a mobile recycling yard is available to users in the area of the Town of Bakar.
Bulky waste removal
Recycling yards play a significant role in the overall sustainable waste management system because they allow citizens to dispose of valuable recyclable materials, as well as problematic types of household waste.
All users in the entire area of operation of UC Čistoća can use the free bulky waste removal service in the amount of up to 2 m³ per year from the billing location of the service user. In the city of Rijeka area, bulky waste removal can also be organized via large 5 m³ waste containers – the skips, distributed around city districts.
In addition, bulky waste removal skip service can be ordered individually, at specific rates.
All separately collected waste, including waste collected in the bins on the streets, and the special types of waste collected in recycling and mobile recycling yards (specifically: paper and cardboard, metallic, plastic and multilayer packaging, as well as glass, but also other types of waste such as furniture, wooden packaging, iron and non-ferrous metals, electrical and electronic devices, end-of-life tires, old clothing and footwear, batteries, accumulators, medications, paints, inks, toner cartridges, adhesives, resins, edible and motor oils, pressurized metal packaging, hazardous substances packaging, and fluorescent and energy-saving light bulbs) is handed over to authorized concessionaires for further recovery procedures.
All separately collected waste is taken to authorized concessionaires for processing in further recovery procedures.
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