On Tuesday, 23 April 2019, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, in Korzo in front of Radio Rijeka, the Utility Company Čistoća Rijeka organized an educational campaign titled Paper in the right bin, here’s your ticket win. The event was held on the occasion of Earth Day on 22 April.
With this educational campaign, UC Čistoća wanted to emphasize the importance of proper separation of paper waste, which can be disposed of in numerous blue bins located on the streets of our city.
In cooperation with the Ivan Zajc Rijeka Croatian National Theatre, this campaign was made special because all citizens who participated in this event organized by UC Čistoća in Korzo, received tickets for theatre performances on 6 May 2019 (4 Boleros), and on 10 and 11 May 2019 (The Whore).
Any citizen could bring to Korzo one bag of various paper waste that can be disposed of in the blue bins, and in exchange receive two tickets for one of the mentioned performances.

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