Bulky waste removal request forms are digitally accessible pdf file formats. You will not be able to fill out the request form on your mobile device if your device does not have the necessary software installed.
To successfully complete the request form, please install a PDF viewer that enables you to fill out PDF forms from the Google Play Store / Apple App Store. We recommend Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

Ako je instalirana potrebna programska podrška, popunjiva polja zahtjeva će biti osjenčana.

Program Adobe Acrobat Reader dostupan je za verziju za Android uređaje na https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.reader, a verzija za IOS uređaje na https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-acrobat-reader-for-pdf/id469337564
Uspješno popunjeni zahtjev pohranite na svoj mobilni uređaj te pošaljite e-mailom u skladu s protokolom.
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